I have already been gifted a rotary cutter and self-healing mat, a pair of Ann Taylor LOFT jeans, a mani/pedi and 2 yards of fabric with which to make the cover bag from Amy Butler's new book, Style Stitches. My hubby is generous, no?
I also put 4 books on my Amazon wish list for him to get me, all sewing related, of course. Tonight, there were three books under my tree, which is fine with me. I could hardly remember what books I picked, except for Style Stitches. I've already grabbed a button for the sew-along there on my side bar (I'm participating at JemJam and at My Crafty Crap) and, as I said, picked and purchased some beautiful Heather Bailey Pop Garden fabric to make my Cosmo bag.
We opened presents.
Book number one: Little Green Dresses by Tina Sparkles (is that her real name!?)
It's all about repurposing. Using what you have in your closet or can find at thrift stores, drafting your own patterns according to your measurements and creating a wardrobe that's personal and fits your personality, figure and wallet. Good stuff. I'm excited to really sit down and read this one, because it's got so many good nuggets about pattern drafting and basic sewing skills. I've already begun doing this on my own as well.
Book number two: Twinkle Sews by Wenlan Chia
This book comes with something like 25 shirt, skirt and dress patterns on a CD and instructions on sewing them including information about types of fabric, origami, draping and lining. More advanced I think, but there are definitely some projects I could handle right away.
Book number three: Sew Tina! by Tina Givens
This book has some interesting twists on kids clothing design. A lot of her designs look way oversized and swallow the children in the pictures, in my opinion, but there are some really cute and clever pieces as well as an overnight tote, sleeping bag and some other things that might be useful later on down the road when my little girls get bigger.
Are we missing something here??
Starts with an "s"...
Woopsy, my hubby didn't know that there was one book I wanted more than the others. My fault. I just gave 4 to choose from.
No worries though, it will be ordered and I WILL be starting my Cosmo bag come January.
I wanted to flip through it's beautiful pages tonight, but good things are worth waiting for. :)