Well, I'm now a "real" sewer, I guess. I was just recounting to a friend a couple of the projects I have going on, but I thought it would be fun to really put them ALL down here so I can look back later and laugh, or wonder how I was handling all that at once, or wonder why I ever thought that was a lot...
So here goes:
I have a postage stamp quilt-along from a month ago that isn't even halfway done. I wonder if I'll finish by the time cold weather comes again?
I have Living With Punks' Land of Nod inspired floor cushion cut out and ready to sew and stuff.
I am working on the very last of 10 zippered clutched using Noodlehead's Gathered Clutch pattern for a bride and her 9 maids. She requested I make them for her and I'm just charging her an hourly rate. She bought all the fabric and zips. That's certainly one project I'm going to be VERY glad to be done with.
I have promised 5 people that I will make them a handmade gift this year and I have two of them (Amy Butler's Reversible Everyday Shopper and Anna Maria Horners Multi-Tasker Tote) cut out and ready to begin putting together, but not really officially started.
I bought a book, Sew Serendipity by Kay Whitt, so I could make my own Easter dress this year to coordinate with my 3 year-old's Matilda Jane Platinum dress. It is 1/2 done.
I am ALMOST finished with the Easter dress for my youngest daughter. Just have to do some finishing of seams and cutting of threads.
I am supposed to be working through Amy Butler's Style Stitches book, one bag a month. I did the first month and the second is one of the bags that's cut and ready to sew, but not started yet. I should be finished with the third month by now.... Maybe I'll just skip the fourth month, since I don't need a checkbook cover. hmmmm.
And since I'm failing miserably at two sew-alongs already, I just thought I'd enter a third! HA! I just comitted to the Sis Boom Jamie Dress sew-along at Sew Sweetness. I don't even have the pattern yet, but I have the fabric.
I bought two patterns from Bit of Whimsy Dolls, the Katie Kitten and Liberty Lion. I finished Katie Kitten and have about 1/2 the pieces cut out for Liberty Lion.
Last, but not least, I have my Etsy shop to stock. I've got about 10 bags of various kinds cut out and at the ready whenever I find the time to make it back around to them.
That last "make it back around" really sums it up. I feel like I'm on a merry go 'round with my sewing. I just rotate through projects and never seem to hesitate to think I couldn't add another to my list. I need more fabric to make this pattern? Absolutely! the chance to shop means I'm in. hahahahahaha.

I hear you Sara! I'm full of ideas and have started so many projects but need to concentrate on actually finishing some. That's the tough part :)